Programming July 9th - July 15th

Monday - July 9th

In 12 Minutes work to a heavy:

8 Rep Reverse Lunge (4 per leg)


“6 Pack Jackie”

For Time:

1000m Row

50 Empty Bar Thrusters (45/35)

30 T2B f(40 anchored Abmat Situps)


Tuesday - July 10th

Snatch Warmup


10 Minute EMOM

Power Snatch x 1 



“Easy Peasy”

10 Minute AMRAP

Double Unders s(50) f(25)

20 Pushups s(ring pushups)

15 KB Swings s(2/1.5pd) f(1.5/1pd)


Wednesday - July 11th

“John Deere”

For time:


Row Cals 

AB Cals


200m Farmers Carry s(70/53) f(53/35)



Row Cals 

AB Cals


200m Farmers Carry s(70/53) f(53/35)



Row Cals 

AB Cals

***women complete 15-12-9 on the machines***

***graciously taken from CrossFit New England***


Thursday - July 12th


20 Minute AMRAP

Run 200m

5 Burpees over the box s(30/24) f(24/20)

1 Rope Climb s(legless)

***add 2 burpees each round***


Friday - July 13th


30 Rounds for Time:

5 Wall Balls (20/14)

3 HSPU f(pushups)

1 Power Clean s(225/155) f(155/105)


Saturday - July 14th

“Teamwork Makes the Dream Work”

30 Minute AMRAP - Teams of 3

10 Manmakers s(50/35) f(35/20) **1 person**

20 Synchronized Pullups s(C2B) **2 people**

400m Run **all 3 people**


Sunday - July 15th

Get Outside and be Rad.