Programming 21st - May 28th

Monday - May 21st

E90S for 12 Sets

Back Squat x 1



“Wilson Phillips”

For Time:

400m Run

50 Wall Balls s(20/14) f(14/10)

400m Run

50 Wall Balls

400m Run


Tuesday - May 22nd


10 Sets - 90 Second AMRAP

15/12 Cal Row

Max Burpee Pullups s(Burpee Bar MU) in time remaining…

***rest 90 secs b/t sets***


Wednesday - May 23rd



***does NOT have to be TNG***


“MAAC Redux”

For Time:

20/15 Cal AB

7 D-Ball Over the Shoulder s(100/70) f(70/50)

15 Power Snatches s(115/75) f(95/65)

7 D-Ball Over the Shoulder 

20/15 Cal AB


Thursday - May 24th


5 Sets - 3 Minute AMRAP

400m Run (Buy-In)

7 Deadlifts s(225/155) f(185/125)

15 Air Squats 

***rest 3 minutes b/t sets***


Friday - May 25th

Strict Press 

Find a new 1RM


“Slapshot Regatta”


Strict Press s(95/65) f(75/55)

Anchored Abmat Situps x 2


Saturday - May 26th

“The Fellowship of the Ring”

25 Minute AMRAP - Teams of 3

Station 1: Row Cals

Station 2: 1 Round of “Gandalf”

Station 3: REST 



12 Wall Balls s(30/20) f(20/14)

6 Burpees to plate


Sunday - May 27th

Get Outside and be Rad.

Luke Espe