Programming April 2nd - April 8th

Monday - April 2nd

Strict Press 

Work up to a heavy set of 10; -10%, -20%



1000m Row

50 Empty Bar Thrusters (45/35)

30 Pull-ups


Tuesday - April 3rd


For Time:

20/15 Cal AB

15 KB Swings s(2/1.5pd) f(1.5/1pd)

25 Burpees to Plate

15 KB Swings s(2/1.5pd) f(1.5/1pd)

20/15 Cal AB

Rest 8-10 minutes. 



Wednesday - April 4th

“The Catalina Wine Mixer”

For Time:

1 Round 

50/35 Cal Row

Double Unders s(100 f(50)

30 Wall Balls s(30/20) f(20/14)


2 Rounds 

25/18 Cal Row

Double Unders s(50) f(25) 

15 Wall Balls 


3 Rounds 

15/12 Cal Row

Double Unders s(30) f(15)

10 Wall Balls 


Thursday - April 5th

“The Oasis”

20 Minute Ascending Ladder

1 Snatch  s(135/95) f(95/65)

2 Rounds of “Artemis”

2 Snatches 

2 Rounds of “Artemis”

3 Snatches




5 Burpees over the Bar

8 T2B f(knee raises)


Friday - April 6th

“Ninja Gaiden”

5 Sets - Each for time:

10 Bench Presses s(135/95) f(95/65)

7 D-Ball Over the Shoulder s(100/70) f(70/50)

1 Rope Climb s(legless)

***rest at least 2 minutes b/t rounds***


Saturday - April 7th

“2020 Tokyo”

25 Minute AMRAP - Teams of 3

12/9 Cal AB Sprint

50ft Sprint 

10 Air Squats

50ft Sprint

***1 person working at a time***


Sunday - April 8th

Get Outside and be Rad.

Luke Espe